samavetartha, words (of a Mantra) somasamstha, Soma sacrifices, 1486;
connected with the sacrifice, P. 344. 133
somendrakaru, the karu intended for samas, to join (ropes), 61, 62.
Soma and Indra, 127. samânavidhana, having the same rule, sautramani, p. 344. 70.
Saudhanvanas, 2o. samâruh, to return to the firesticks, saumya, intended for Soma, 127o. the divine fire), 159.
strî, woman (admitted to sacrifice), samâsa, joining, 61 ('am gakkbanti, 30.
they have to be joined). stháli, see karusthåli. samidh, fuel, 91.
stbâlîpêka, p. 344. samukkaya, aggregation, 49, 52. sruk, spoon, 269. sampraisha, command, 10, 43o. sruva, ladle, 26. sarpabali, p. 344.
svadhâ, sacrificial interjection, 96o. sarpis, Adj., running, in sarpir âgya, svapna, sleeping, 40, melted butter, 23.
svasabda, having its own name, 84. savaniya, the Soma sacrifice, 116, 117. svådhyâya, self-reading (of the Veda), samvatsarika, a sacrifice lasting one,
37 two, or more years, 142. svâmin, master, i.e. sacrificer, 138. såkamedha, a certain sacrifice, 119. eváha, sacrificial interjection, 960. sånga, accompanied by auxiliary acts, svâhâ karapradana, (a sacrifice) which 83.
is offered with the word Svâhâ, sadyaskra, 1439, 146.
87. sadbarana, general, 72.
svishsakrit, the sacrifice for Agni sâmnâyya, the mixture (of sour and Svishtakrit, 13, 155.
sweet milk, intended for Indra and Mahendra, at the new-moon baviryaghia, a class of sacrifices, sacrifice), 77, 799, 100, 123o.
1480; p. 344. sâmaveda, the Sâma-veda, 4, 8,99, 17. havishkrit, the Havishkrit hymn, sâmânya, similarity, 122, 128, 134. used when the havis is made, sâmidheni, the hymns or verses used
for lighting the fire, 11, 111. havis, offering, 104, 128. så yamhoma, p. 344.
hu, to pour out, to sacrifice, 23, 25, sarasvata (sattra), 146.
86, 87°, 92, 94. Sinivali = purva-amavasya, 65, 69 hotri, the Hotri-priest, 16, 49o. sîra, a certain sacrifice, 119.
hotra, Mantra recited by the Hotrisusadrisa, very like, 135.
priest, 49. somayagin, one who sacrifices with homa, the Homa, burnt-oblation, Soma, 77, 79
25°, 75.
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