darvihoma, libation from a ladle, 85,
(86 to 91), 92, 95. darsapürnamasau, the new and full-
moon sacrifices, 5, 7o, 149, 111, 114, 122, 123, 127, 148, 155°
to 1580; p. 344. dâkshayana, 1480 dundubhisabda, the sound of a drum,
devata, deity, 128, 138. devatânigama, address of the deity,
155. devatopadesana, indication of the
deity, 101. desa, place, 84. daiva, intended for the gods (kar
man), 59. dravya, substance (of an offering),
129, 130. dravyasamukkaya, accumulation, 52. dvadasakapāla, the cake baked in
twelve cups (at the new-moon
sacrifice), 76, 123€. dvadasâha, a Soma sacrifice lasting
twelve days, 141. dvikapala, a cake baked in two cups,
sacrifice for the two Asvins,
151. dvidevata, offering for two deities,
134. dhânya, corn with the husk, 1080. dhârâ, pouring out of Soma, 46.
nitri-ya. p. 348 for
Nishadasthapati, a Nishâda chief
tain, 26 nîvâra, wild growing rice, 129, 1360. nairrita, offering to Nirriti, 53. pakti, cooking, 154. parakriti, story, 33. paravákya, words referring to some
thing else, 133. parikraya, redemption, 52. parva-sandhi, the juncture of the
two phases of the moon, 65°. pasu, animal sacrifice, 7°, 115. pasugana, 118. pasubandha, Pasubandha sacrifice,
112; P. 344. pâkayagña, domestic sacrifices, 148°;
p. 344. påtra, sacrificial vessel, 25, 28. pârvana, p. 344. pindapitriyagila, the sacrifice to the
Fathers, 80o; p. 344. pitri-yagta, sacrifice to the Fathers,
80; P. 344. pitrya, intended for the Fathers, 6o. pishta, pl., meal, 108. purastât, before, 65. purastâtpaurnamâsî, the full moon
beginning on the fourteenth
day, 65° purakalpa, tradition, 33. purodása, cake made of meal, 78, 99,
102, (103, 105), 122, 123, 124,
127, 128, 129, 1370 puronuvákyâ, the Puronuvâkyâ hymn
(preceding the Yâgyâ, following
after the Sampraisha), 43. pürita, full (the moon), 66. porna, full (the moon), 65. purva-amâvâsyâ, the new moon on
the fourteenth day, 65o. pärva-paurnamâsî=purastâtpaurna
masi, 65o. paitrika, offering to the Pitris, 53. paurnamâsî, full moon, full-moon
day, 64, 65, 74. paurnamasya, full-moon sacrifice, 64. prakarana, typical performance, 700,
71. prakriti, norm (for a sacrifice), 114,
112C, 123, 127°, 131, 132, 139,
140, 152, 155, 156, 157, 1580. prakritidevatâ, the deity of the
prakriti, 127. praní, to bring forward (the fire),
nadîtarana, crossing a river, 40. navanita, fresh butter, 23. navayagia, p. 344. nâmadheyagrahana, the mentioning
of the name (of particular sacri.
ficers), 35. nikâyin, a series of sacrifices, all
having the same name, but dif
ferent rewards, 143. nigama, address, 155. nindâ, reproof, 33. nimitta, special cause, 1489 niyama, precept, 1480. nirasana, throwing away, 53. niradbapasu, the animal sacrifice,
148°; P. 344. nirdis, to prescribe with special
reference to, 84. nirdesa, special instruction, 73. See
anirdesa. nivrit, to stop, to cease to apply, 138,
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