SOTRA L. In the case of the Yagyâs and Anuvâk yâs this (the aggregation) is optional.
Commentary. The Yagya is explained by prayakkhati yagyaya, the Anuvakya by ahvayaty anuvákyaya. Sometimes more than one are mentioned, but in that case the priest is free to do as he likes. According to the same principle, when we read that one should sacrifice with rice or with barley, that means that rice should be used after the rice-harvest, barley after the barley-harvest, and not that rice and barley should be used at the same time.
SÚTRA LI. It is the same with numbers.
Commentary If we read that, as in the case of fees to be given to priests, two, seven, eleven, twelve, twenty-one, sixty, or a hundred, this means that either one or the other, not that all should be given at the same time.
SOTRA LII. But accumulation is meant in the buying (of Soma), in the redemption, and in initiation.
Commentary. When it is said that Soma is bought for a goat, gold, &c., that it is re-bought from the priests by means of a fee, or that at the time of the Dikshå, the purification and initiation of a sacrificer, clothes, gold, grain, &c., should be given, these are cases not of aut-aut but of et-et.
The Soma-plant, which is supposed to be bought from northern barbarians, is botanically described in an Ayurvedic extract, quoted in the Dhûrtasvâmi-bhashyatika (MS. E. I. H. 531, p. 3"), as
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