produce a visible effect, such as pounding or sprinkling, and acts which do not, such as addressing, approaching, looking. The latter are called asamnipâtin. Thus when the stones used for the preparation of Soma are addressed, the hymn which is used for addressing them, is not repeated for each single stone, the same as in Sätra XL. Sätras XLI and XLII are sometimes joined.
Sotra XLIII. Repetition takes place in the case of the Havishkrit, Adhrigu, Puronuvâkyâ, and Manotâ hymns, (because they have to be used) at different times.
Commentary. Havishkrit-adhrigu-puronuvákyâ-manotam is to be taken as a Dvandva compound.
The Havishkrit hymn is an invocation when the havis is made. The Adhrigu hymn is 'Daivyah samitårah,' &c. The Puronuvákyà hymn is that which precedes the Yagya, immediately after the Sampraisha. The Manotå hymn is 'Tvam hy agne prathamo manotâ,' &c. These hymns are to be repeated, if the act which they accompany has to be repeated after a certain interval.
SÚTRA XLIV. When it is expressly stated, one sacrificial act may be accompanied by many hymns.
Commentary. Thus we read, 'He takes the Abhri, the hoe, with four Mantras.'
SOTRA XLV. One ought to let the beginnings of a sacrificial act coincide with the end of the Mantras.
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