3. To the north (of the fire) his mother or a student (brahmakârin) holds a lump of bull's dung;
4. Therewith he (or she) receives the (cut-off)
5. He then pours cold and warm water together.
6. Having poured warm water into cold water he moistens the hair near the right ear with the formula), ‘May the waters moisten thee for life' (Taitt. Samh. I, 2, 1, 1).
7. With the formula), Herb, protect him!' (Taitt. Samh., loc. cit.) he puts an herb, with its point upwards, into (the hair).
8. With (the formula), Axe, do no harm to him!' (Taitt. Samh., loc. cit.) he touches (that herb) with the razor.
9. With (the words), *Heard by the gods, I shave that (hair)'(Taitt. Samh., loc. cit.) he shaves him.
10. In the same way (he moistens, &c.) the other (sides of his head) from left to right.
11. Behind with the Mantra), 'The razor with which Savitri, the knowing one, has shaven (the beard) of king Soma and Varuna, with that, ye Brâhmanas, shave his (head); make that he be united with vigour, with wealth, with glory.
On the left side with (the Mantra), '(The razor) with which Pashan has shaven (the beard) of Brihaspati, of Agni, of Indra, for the sake of long life, with that I shave thy (head), N. N.!'
6, 3, 4. Some consider, according to Matridatta, these two Satras as one. He says (p. 149 of Dr. Kirste's edition), uttarata ity etadâdi pratigrihnâtîty etadantam vâ satram, dhârayams tenâsya kesan pratipathitavyam (read, pratigrihnâtîti pathita vyam).
6. As to dakshinam godâ nam unatti, comp. the note on Paraskara II, 1, 9. Comp. also above, I, 3, 9, 12.
7 seq. See above, I, 3, 9, 13 seq.
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