this (cake to the animal offering), indeed, is one and the same everywhere; that cake is prepared after (and supplementary to) a victim.
3. Thereupon he cuts up the victim : ‘Move thrice', and make the heart the uppermost of the thrice-moved !' thus (he says to the slaughterer), for threefold is the sacrifice.
4. He then instructs the slaughterer : 'If one ask thee, “ Is the sacrificial food cooked, O Samitar?” say thou only “Cooked!" not “Cooked, reverend sir!” nor “Cooked, forsooth!”).
The order of proceeding is not quite clear from the context, and seems to have puzzled the later ritualists. From Kâty. VI, 7-8 it would seem that the author of the Stras means the performance of the cake-offering to go on simultaneously with the cutting up of the victim (and the cooking of the portions and roasting of the beast). The comm. on Kâty. VI, 7, 29, however, protests against this arrangement as contrary to the order laid down in the Brâhmana; and insists especially on the
atha (now)' at the beginning of this paragraph. This particle is, however, often used in a vague sense; as very frequently when, after sketching the chief course of performance, the author turns back to fill in the details. There seems also a difference of opinion as to the exact meaning of the above direction given by the Adhvaryu to the Samitar after as would seem) the portions have been cooked. The commentator on Kâty. VI, 8, I apparently takes 'trih prakyavaya' in the sense of shake thrice' or 'turn thrice.' Sâyana, on the other hand, explains it as meaning that the Samitri is to divide the portions into three parts, according to whether they are destined for the chief offerings, or the Svishtakrit, or the by-offerings (?). As the direction cannot refer to the taking out of the portions from the cooking-vessel (ukha) it would seem that the Samitar is either to move (shake) the vessel itself, or to stir the contents, perhaps hereby separating the respective portions. The Kânva text reads, Trih prakyâvayâd ity uttame prakyâva uttamârdhe hridayam kurutâd iti. The heart, when done, is to be removed from the spit and laid on the portions; whereupon the Adhvaryu pours ghee on the portions (paragraph 8).
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