6. Now they pour seeds (of rice, &c.) on (the heads of the bridegroom and bride).
End of the Sixth Patala.
Prasna I, PATALA 7, Section 22. 1. Then they let her depart (in a vehicle from her father's house), or they let her be taken away.
2. Having put (the fire into a vessel) they carry that (nuptial) fire behind (the newly-married couple).
3. It should be kept constantly.
4. If it goes out, (a new fire) should be kindled by attrition, or it should be fetched from the house of a Srotriya.
5. Besides, if (the fire) goes out, the wife or the husband should fast.
6. When (the bridegroom with his bride) has come to his house, he says to her, Cross (the threshold) with thy right foot first; do not stand on the threshold
7. In the hall, in its easterly part, he puts down the fire and puts wood on it.
8. To the west of the fire he spreads out a red bull's skin with the neck to the east, with the hair outside.
6. Mâtridatta explains adhisrayanti by vapanti gâyâpatyoh sirasi kshipanti.
22, 4. If the fire on which they had put wood, was a fire produced by attrition, (the new fire) should (also) be kindled by attrition. If it was a common (laukika) fire that they had fetched, (the new fire) should be fetched from a Srotriya's house. Thereby it is shown that the common fire at the Upanayana ceremony, &c., should be fetched only from a Srotriya's house.' Mátridatta.
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