Ågya by means of burning Darbha blades), throws two young Darbha shoots into it, moves a fire-brand round it three times, takes it (from the coals) towards the north, pushes the coals back into the fire), purifies the Ágya three times with the two purifiers, holding their points towards the north, (drawing them through the Agya from west to east and) taking them back (to the west each time), throws the two purifiers into the fire,
Patala 1, SECTION 2. 1. And lays the (three) pegs round (the fire).
2. On the west side of the fire) he places the middle (peg), with its broad end to the north,
3. On the south side (of the fire the second peg), so that it touches the middle one, with its broad end to the east,
4. On the north side of the fire the third peg), so that it touches the middle one, with its broad end to the east.
5. To the west of the fire (the teacher who is going to initiate the student), sits down with his face turned towards the east.
6. To the south (of the teacher) the boy, wearing the sacrificial cord over his left shoulder, having sipped water, sits down and touches (the teacher).
7. Then (the teacher) sprinkles water round the fire (in the following way) :
8. On the south side (of the fire he sprinkles
2, 1. The' pegs' are the pieces of wood mentioned above, 1, 19.
7-10. Gobhila I, 3, I seq. The vocative Sarasvate instead of Sarasvati is given by the MSS. also in the Khâdira-Grihya I,2, 19.
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