PRASNA I, PATALA 1, SECTION 1. 1. We shall explain the Upanayana (i.e. the initiation of the student).
2. Let him initiate a Brahmana at the age of seven years,
3. A Râganya, of eleven, a Vaisya, of twelve.
4. A Brahmana in the spring, a Râganya in the summer, a Vaisya in the autumn.
5. In the time of the increasing moon, under an auspicious constellation, preferably (under a constellation) the name of which is masculine,
6. He should serve food to an even number of Brâhmanas and should cause them to say, 'An auspicious day! Hail ! Good luck!'
7. (Then he) should have the boy satiated, should
1, 3. The statement commonly given in the Grihya-stras and Dharma-stras is, that the initiation of a Brahmana shall take place in his eighth year, though there are differences of opinion whether in the eighth year after conception, or after birth (ÂsvalâyanaGrihya I, 19, 1. 2). Måtridatta states that the rule given here in the Grihya-sūtra refers to the seventh year after birth. In the Dharma-sätra (comp pastamba I, 1, 18) it is stated that the initiation of a Brahmana shall take place in the eighth year after his conception. Comp. the remarks of Professor Buhler, S. B. E., vol. ii, p. xxii.
4. Âpastamba I, 1, 18. 6. Comp. Apastamba I, 13, 8 with Bühler's note.
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