11. To the west of the fire he touches the Barhis with his two hands turned downwards, and murmurs the Vyâhritis (i. e. the solemn utterances), In the Kshatra I establish myself' (ibid. 2. 3).
12. To the west of the fire he should have a layer spread out,
13. Of northward-pointed grass, 14. Inclined towards the north.
15. After they have spread out on that (grass) new rugs, the householder sits down (thereon) on the southern side.
16. Then without an interval the others according to their age,
17. And without an interval their wives, each with her children.
18. When they are seated, the householder touches the layer (of grass) with his two hands turned downwards, and murmurs the verse, "Be soft to us, O Earth' (ibid. 4).
19. When he has finished that (verse), they lie down on their right sides.
20. In the same way (they lie down on their right sides) three times, turning themselves towards themselves (i. e. turning round forwards, not backwards, and thus returning to their former position ?).
21. They repeat the auspicious hymns as far as they know them; · 22. The complex of Sâmans called Arishta, according to some (teachers).
20. The explanation which the commentary gives of this difficult Sätra can hardly be accepted: trir avritya trilkritvo: bhyasya ... abhyatmam atmano grihapater abhimukhyena, atmana árabhyety arthah. katham nama ? yenaiva kramenopavishtah tenaiva kramena samvesanam trir âvarta yeyuh.
22. The commentary gives a second name for this Saman
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