1. Under a propitious Nakshatra let him take a wife
2. Who should possess the auspicious characteristics in due way.
3. If he can find no such (woman, he should take) earth-clods
4. From an altar, a furrow, a pool, a cow-stable, a place where four roads meet, a gambling-place, a place where corpses are burnt, and from sterile soil ;
5. A ninth (earth-clod) mixed of all.
6. (These he should make) equal (and should) make marks at them.
7. Taking them in his hand he should offer them to the girl, and (reciting the formula) : 'Right alone is the first; right nobody oversteps; on right this earth is founded. May N. N. become this universe!'
-he should pronounce her name and should say: "Take one of these.'
8. If she takes one of the first four (clods), he should marry her,
1, 1-4. Description of the wedding. Comp. Indische Studien, V, 288, 305 seq. ; 312 seq. ;.368 seq.
2. In translating kusalena I have been guided by the comparison of I, 5, 26 (comp. Böhtlingk-Roth, s. v. kusala). The commentary understands the Sätra in a different way. He should take a woman who possesses auspicious characteristics commended by one versed (kusala) in the characteristics of women. If he can find no such person who is able to judge, he should, &c. (Satra 3).
4. Comp. Âsvalâyana-Grihya I, 5,5; Grihya-samgraha II, 21-23. 7. Asvalâyana-Gríhya, 1. 1. $ 4.
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