24. The oblation to (Agni) Svishtakrit with the eighth (verse).
25. At a sacrifice to the Fathers the omentum is sacrificed with (the verse), Carry the omentum'(MB. II, 3, 16).
26. At one to the gods with the verse), 'Gâtavedas !' (1. 1. 17.)
27. If (the deity is) unknown, (in the formula for) assigning (the oblation, instead of the name of a deity the name of) that (ceremony is put) —
28. As (for instance), 'To the Ashtaka.'
29. An animal is the sacrificial fee at (the sacrifice of) an animal;
30. A full vessel at (that of) a mess of cooked food.
KHANDA 5. 1. On the ninth or tenth (of the dark fortnight) the Anvashtakya (ceremony is performed).
2. To the south-east (of the house) they partition off (a place with mats or the like), and to the northern part of that (place) he should carry a fire which has been kindled by attrition.
3. Let him take one portion of rice, let him remove the husks once, and let him cook it, stirring it up from right to left.
24. sauvishtakritam ashtamya. 25. vaha vapâm iti pitrye vapahomo. 26. Gâtaveda iti daivatye. 27. tadâdesam anâgñâte. 28. yathâshtakâyâ iti. 29. pasur eva pasor dakshinâ. 30. sthålîpâkasya půrnapâtram.
5, I. navamim da samim vânvashtakyam. 2. dakshinaparvabhâge parivârya tatrottarârdhe mathitvagnim pranayet. 3. sakridgrihîtân vrîhîn sakritphalîkritân prasavyam udâyuvas srapayed.
30=I, 9, 6. 10.
25-28=IV, 4, 22-24 (29 deest). 5, 1-12=Gobhila IV, 2.
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