towards the other directions (of the horizon) according as they are mentioned in the Mantras.
5. Between (the besmeared surface) towards the south and that towards the east and the fire (there should be) a passage.
6. After he has thrown the remnants (of flour) out of the basket into the fire, he should go from (the fire) which has been carried forward, to that (fire) which has not been carried forward), and should turn his hands downwards (so as to touch the earth with them) and should murmur (the Mantra), ‘Adoration to the earth's' (1. 1. 3).
7. Thence rising he should place (to the north of the fire) a bunch of Darbha-grass with (the Mantra), *The king Soma' (1. 1. 4), and should fix his thoughts on the serpents that are in that bunch.
8. Taking a portion of fried grain, he should go out of the village in a northern or eastern direction, and should sacrifice it with his joined hands with the four (verses), Hearken, Râkâ !' (MB. II, 6, 2 seqq.).
9. Walking eastwards he should murmur, 'Be a giver of wealth' (1. 1. 6).
10. Thus three times to the different quarters and intermediate quarters (of the horizon).
5. dakshinapaskime antarenâgniñ ka samkarah. 6. sûrpena sishtân agnav opyấtipranitad anatipranitasyardham gatva nyaškau cân kritvā namah Prithivyâ iti gapet. 7. tata utthâya Somo râgeti darbhastambam upasthấya (correct, upasthâpya) stambasthân sarpan manasâ dhyâyann. 8. akshatân âdâya prân vodan va grâmân nishkramya guhuyâd añgalinâ haye Râka iti katasribhih. 9. prân utkramya gaped vasuvana edhîti. 10. tris trih pratidisam avântaradeseshu ko.
8-13=IV, 8, 1 scqq. (10 deest).
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