razor of Udumbara-wood, and (Darbha)-blades (are placed) towards the south.
18. A bull's dung and a mess of boiled rice with sesamum seeds which may be more or less cooked, to the north ;
19. And the mother with the son in her lap.
20. (The performer of the ceremony), after having sacrificed, should look, with the Mantra), Hither has come' (
MB. I, 6, 1), at the barber, fixing his thoughts on (the god) Savitri.
21. With (the Mantra), With warm water' (1. 1. 2), he should look at the warm water, fixing his thoughts on Vâyu.
22. With (the Mantra), ‘May the waters' (1. 1. 3), he moistens (the boy's hair).
23. With the Mantra), Vishnu's' (1.1. 4), he should look at the mirror or at the razor of Udumbara-wood.
24. With (the Mantra), 'Herb!' (1. 1. 5) he puts seven Darbha-blades, with their points upwards (i. e. towards the boy's head ?), into (his hair).
25. With (the formula), 'Axe !' (1. 1. 6) (he presses them down) with the mirror or with the razor of Udumbara-wood.
26. With the Mantra), With which Pashan' (1. 1. 7), he should move forward (the razor) three
18. ânaduho gomayah krisarasthâlîpâko vrithâpakva ity uttarato. 19. mâtâ ka kumâram âdâya. 20. hutvậyam agad iti nâpitam prekshet Savitâram dhyâyann. 21. ushnenety ushnodakam prekshed Vâyum dhyâyann. 22. apa ity untte (ante, umde, unmte, unte the MSS.). 23. Vishnor ity âdarsam prekshetaudumbaram vau. 24. sshadha iti darbhapiñgûlîs saptordhvâgrâ abhinidhaya. 25. sradhita ity âdarsena kshurenaudumbarena vâ. 26. yena Pasheti dakshinatas trih prâñkam prohet.
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