18. The Hotri's place is filled by (the sacrificer) himself.
19. To the south of the fire the Brahman sits facing the north, silently, until the oblation has been performed, on eastward-pointed (Darbha grass).
20. But if he likes, he may speak of what refers to the sacrifice.
21. Or if he has spoken (words) which are unworthy of the sacrifice, let him murmur the Mahavyâhritis,
22. Or (the verse), Thus has Vishnu' (Sv. I, 222).
23. If he does himself the work both of the Brahman and of the Hotri, let him sit down on the Brahman's seat, and (leave that seat) placing a parasol on it, or an outer garment, or a water-pot, and then let him perform his other duties.
24. Let him take care not to turn his back to, or become separated (by any person or thing interposed) from what belongs to the sacrifice.
KHANDA 2. 1. In the eastern part of his dwelling he should besmear (the place on which the sacrifice will be
18. svayamhautram. 19. dakshinato sgner udanmukhas toshnim âste brahmâ homât prâgagreshu. 20. kâmam tv adhiyagñam vyâhared. 21. ayagñiyâm vâ vyâhritya mahâvyâhritfr gaped. 22. idam vishnur ita vâ. 23. hautrabrahmatve svayam kurvan brahmasanam [sic] upavisya khattram uttarasangam kamandalum vâ tatra kritvâthânyat kuryâd. 24. avyâvrittim yagñângair avyavâyam kekhet.
2, 1. pûrve bhâge vesmano gomayenopalipya tasya madhyadese lakshanam kuryâd.
19=1, 6, 13 seqq. 20-22=1, 6, 17 seqq. 23=1,6, 21. 24 deest. 2, i seqq.=Gobhila I, 1, 9 seqq.
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