6. After one year, or after six months, or after twenty-four days, or after twelve days, or after six days, or after three days.
7. To a Brâhmana, however, he should recite a (Sâvitri) verse in the Gayatri metre immediately. For it is said in the Sruti, 'To Agni indeed belongs the Brâhmana.'
8. A Trishtubh verse to a Râganya, 9. A Gagati to a Vaisya, 10. Or a Gâyatri to (persons of) all (castes).
KANDIKÂ 4. 1. Now the putting on of fuel.
2. He wipes with his hand (the ground) round the fire with (the formula), 'Agni, glorious one, make me glorious. As thou, glorious Agni, art glorious, thus, O glorious one, bring me to glory. As thou, Agni, art the preserver of the treasure of sacrifice for the gods, thus may I become the preserver of the treasure of the Veda for men.'
3. Having sprinkled (water) round the fire from left to right, he stands up and puts a piece of wood on (the fire) with (the texts),
'To Agni I have brought a piece of wood, to the great Gatavedas. As thou, Agni, art inflamed by wood, thus I am inflamed by life, insight, vigour, offspring, cattle, holy lustre.
* May my teacher be the father of living sons; may I be full of insight, not forgetful (of what I have learned); may I become full of glory, of splendour, of holy lustre, an enjoyer of food. Svâhâ !
7. Satapatha Brâhmana l. 1. § 12. 4, 2. Comp. Âsvalâyana-Grıhya I, 22, 21. 3. As to anirâkarishnu, comp. anirâkarana below, III, 16.
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