16. Verily, even in being born, man, by his own self, is born as a debt (owing) to death. And in that he sacrifices, thereby he redeems himself from death, even as Suparni then redeemed herself from the gods.
17. The gods worshipped with him. Those Gandharva Soma-wardens came after him; and having come up they said, 'Do ye let us share in the sacrifice, exclude us not from the sacrifice; let there be for us also a share in the sacrifice!'
18. They said, “What will there be for us, then ?'— Even as in yonder world we have been his keepers, so also will we be his keepers here on earth!'
19. The gods spake, 'So be it!' By saying, '(Here are) your Soma-wages . .,' he assigns to them the price of the Soma! They then said unto them, ' At the third pressing an offering of ghee shall fall to your share, but not one of Soma, for the Somadraught has been taken from you, wherefore ye are not worthy of a Soma-offering !' And accordingly, when he pours ghee on the hearths by means of fagots?, at the evening libation, that same offering of ghee falls to their share, but not one of Soma. · 20. 'And what they will offer in the fire that will satiate you ;' hence that which they offer in the fire satiates them. And when they will move about, holding the Soma over each, that will satiate you;' hence when they move about, holding the Soma over each (hearth), that satiates them.
I See III, 3, 3, 11. . ? For these oblations poured upon burning bundles of chips and grass held over the several hearth-fires, see IV, 4, 2, 7.
* Yad vâ uparyupari somam bibhratah samkarishyanti, Kânva rec. (? holding the Soma close above the dhishnyas). This passage
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