13. In the same way at the Utsarga (i.e. at the ceremony performed at the end of the term of Vedic study).
14. He should study six months.
15. One who has performed the Samâvartana (should live during that time) according to the regulations for Brahmakârins.
16. The others according to the rules.
17. Some say that he should have intercourse with his wife.
18. That is a practice) sacred to Pragâpati.
19. This (Upâkarana) they call vârshika (i. e. belonging to the rainy season).
20. On the middle Ashtakâ they offer food to those deities, and descend into water.
21. They satiate those same deities (with water oblations),
22. (And besides) the Akâryas, the Rishis, and the Fathers.
23. This is the Utsargana.
1. Instead of the Kamya ceremonies (i. e. the ceremonies, prescribed in the Srauta-sútra, by which
15. On the Samâvartana, see below, chap. 8 seq. The restrictions referred to consist in the interdiction of eating honey and meat, of having sexual intercourse, of sleeping in a bedstead and in the day-time, &c. Nârâyana.
16. Le. the Brahmakârins. 17. I.e. one who has performed the Samâvartana.
20. After the six months (Satra 14) have elapsed, on the Ashtaka of Mâgha.
23. Or Utsarga, see Sätra 13.
6, 1. Narayana divides this Sûtra into two: 1. atha kâmyânâm sthâne kåmgah; 2. karavah.
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