Âgrayana sacrifice by one who has set up the (sacred Srauta) fires.
5. Also by one who has not set up the (Srauta) fires (the same offering is performed) in the (sacred) domestic fire.
KANDIKÂ 3. 1. On the full moon of Mârgastrsha the “redescent' (is performed)-on the fourteenth (Tithi),
2. Or on (the Tithi of) the full moon (itself).
3. Having again renovated the house by (giving a new) coating (to the walls), by spreading out (a new roof), and by levelling (the floor), they should sacrifice after sunset (oblations) of milk-rice with (the texts), * Beat away, O white one, with thy foot, with the forefoot and with the hind-foot, these seven daughters of Varuna and all that belong to the king's tribe. Svâhâ !
Within the dominion of the white one no serpent has killed anything. To the white one, the son of Vidârva, adoration! Svâhâ !
4. Here no oblation to (Agni) Svishtakrit (is made).
5. May we be secure from Pragâpati's sons'thus he murmurs while looking at the fire.
3, 1. On the ceremony of redescent,' comp. Sânkhayana-Grihya IV, 17; Paraskara III, 2. The fourteenth Tithi of the bright fortnight, preceding the full moon, is referred to.
3. 'Again' refers to chap. 2, 2. As to the words they should sacrifice,' comp. the note on the same Sûtra. The first Mantra reoccurs in Sânkhâyana-Gríhya IV, 18, 1. The text of the second should be, na vai svetasyâdhyâkâre, &c.; comp. Pâraskara II, 14, 5.
5. The serpents are the children of Kasyapa (i.e. Pragâpati) and Kadrû; see Mahâbhârata I, 1074 seqq.
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