3. They put on her a newly-dyed garment or (a new one) which has not yet been washed;
4. Then (the Akarya of the bride's family) makes the girl sit down behind the fire, and while she takes hold of him he sacrifices with the Mahâvyâhritis, and then he makes Âgya oblations to Agni, to Soma, to Pragâpati, to Mitra, to Varuna, to Indra, to Indrâni, to the Gandharva, to Bhaga, to Pashan, to Tvashtar, to Brihaspati, to the king Pratyânika.
5. After they have regaled four or eight women, who are not widows, with lumps of vegetables, Surâ, and food, these should perform a dance four times.
6. The same deities (they worship also) on behalf of the man, • 7. And Vaisravana and Îsâna.
8. Then follows the distribution of food to Brâh
KHANDA 12. 1. The bridegroom, who has bathed and for whom auspicious ceremonies have been performed, is escorted by happy young women, who are not widows, to the girl's house.
2. To these he shall not behave unobsequiously, except where forbidden food or a transgression is concerned.
3. Having obtained their permission, he then gives her the garment with (the verse), “The Raibhi was' (Rig-veda X, 85, 6).
4. The king Pratyanika' has given origin to a very curious misunderstanding in the Sâmbavya-Grihya and its commentary; see p. 127 of the German edition.
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