sages. But whether the author of this passage really supposed this Gunakhya Sankhayana to be the author of the Sankhåyana-sâtras, or not, we shall be justified in following rather the unanimous statements of the texts previously quoted, and in accepting in accordance with them, as the full name of our Satrakára, the name Suyagña Sånkhâyana.
The Grihya-sútra which has been here translated presupposes, as all Grihya-stras do, the existence of the Srauta-sútra, with which it is intimately connected and which is referred to in the Grihya in several instances?
Here the question arises whether the Grihya-satra was composed by the same author to whom the authorship of the Srauta-satra belongs, so that the two texts form together, and would, in the conception of their author, be intended to form, one great body of Satras, or, on the other hand, whether the Grihya-sútra is a later addition to the Srauta-sútra. On this question I have ventured, in the preface to my German edition of Sankhâyana ?, to offer a few remarks which, however, I feel bound to say do not seem to myself quite decisive. I there pointed out that the Grihyasâtra contains a few aphorisms which we should rather expect would have found their place in the Srauta-sútra, if the two texts were composed by the same author and on a common plans. But, apart from the possibility that in a work of such considerable extent as that collection of Satras would be, such trifling incongruences or irregularities might very easily escape the attention even of a very careful author, there is still another objection that may be urged against the inference drawn by me from such passages. It can be shown that the Grihya texts which we possess are based to some extent on one common original, from which they have taken verbatim, or nearly verbatim, a certain number of aphorisms. Thus if we were to suppose that Sânkhâyana,
See, for instance, Gribya I, 16, 1 (Srauta IV, 16, 2). • Indische Studien, vol. xv, pp. 11, 12.
· The Sutras with reference to which I made that observation are I, 8, 14; 14, 13-15; II, 15, 10. Comp. Srauta-sútra II, 7, 12; IV, 21.
• I intend to give some proofs of this in the General Introduction to the Gribya-sútras which will be given in the second volume of these translations.
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