sumed mourning seven days after king's death, iii, 194, and during them the market-place was shut, iii, 202; ruler of second class had seven symbols of distinction, 215; king was coffined on seventh day, 222; seven lessons of morality, 230, 248; classes of grooms, 294; feelings of men, the, 379; brothers and sisters did not use the same mat or eat together at seven, 476 ; seven months' mourning held to be for three seasons, iv, 46 (and note); the seventh year of study, 83; seven regulations in teaching, 84-5; days' leaping for ruler's death, 143; his mouth stuffed with seven shells, wailing for him ended in seven months, and sacrifice of repose offered seven times, 164, 372; seven dynasties, 204 (and note); sacrifices and altars of king, 206; days of looser vigil, 240, 292; drinking the seventh cup, 246; seven shang in fabric of me
dium sackcloth, 388. Seventy, old men of, iii, 66, 88, 240
2, 464-6; eldest son of, should
not be without a wife, 316. Shih King, the, name and contents
of, i, 275-79; before Confucius, and what, if any, were his labours on it, 280-4; from him to the acknowledgment of present text, 285-9; how it was formed, 290-3; how it is so incom- plete, 293-4; interpretation and writers, 294-6; the Confucian
preface, 296-8. Shoes, left outside the door, iii, 71.
Rules about, iii, 71, 76-7, 103, 449-50, 453 ; iv, 17, 20, 53, 70,
72, 81, 135, 137, 145. Shů King, the, nature and history
of, i, 1-11; credibility of, 12-19, principal eras in, and chronology of China, with chart of the principal stars for epoch of B.C.
2300, 10-30. Six was the number for the months
of winter, iii, 296, 302, 306, and the name for the divided lines of the diagrams of vol. ii. Six Honoured ones, i, 39 ; hosts of
king and their leaders, i, 76-7, 81, 129, 229, 244; magazines of natural wealth, 48, 74; Grand ministers and their departments, 228-9; extreme evils, 149 (and note); tenures, 226; grandees of Heaven's institution, and six departments of the statutes, iii, 109; treasuries and six stores of the king, 110; ceremonial observances, 230, 248; things that break up an audience, 328-9; Great men, 366; upper musical accords, and six figures on robes, 382 ; personators, 406; arrows shot on birth of ruler's heir-son, 472; Zung tribes, iv, 30; years of the duke of Kâu's regency, 31; bond of kinship ends with sixth generation, 63 ; six considerations regulating the mourning worn, 63-4; cases of affinity, 64 ; things that make teaching vain, 86-7; peculiarities of sound, in music, 93; six upper and six lower musical accords, 118; instruments introducing virtuous airs, 119; dressers of corpse, 188; baskets of grain by coffin of Great officer, and six supporting ropes of ruler's catafalque, 197-8; shăng in fa
bric of certain sackcloth, 388. Sixty, men of, iii, 66,88,240-2,464-6. Slept, how gentlemen, and would rise
for wind, thunder, and rain, iv, 5. Spirit, spirits, spirit-like, and cognate
words, denoted by shăn tal and kwei shăn ( T), i, 39, 45, 47, 51 (k. s.), 51-2, 90 (and note), 93 (k. s.), 96, 99 (k. s.), 101, 109, 116, 123, 126, 135, 153 (k. s.), 163, 217, 228, 232, 318 (and note), 347-8, 365-8, 372, 387-8, 405 (and note), 415 (and note), 419-20, 422, 428, 485-6 (k. s.); ii, 226 (k. s.), 230, 259 (k. s.), 354 (k. s.), 354, 357 (and note), 365 (k. s.), 366, 370, 372-4, 377-8, 383, 390, 392, 395, 417 (k. s.), 412, 427; iii, 64 (k. s.), 78 (k. s.), 108 (k. s.), 148, 167 (k. s.), 169, 173,317, 238, 250, 257, 262, 268,
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