ance; but now they strengthen (Soma) after going, as it were, towards the right (south) ; and, the sacrifice being the fire, they thereby turn their back on the sacrifice and thus do wrong and are cut off from the gods. Now the prastara also is (part of the sacrifice, and by (touching) it they again get hold of the sacrifice. And this is his expiation of that (transgression); and so no wrong is committed by them and they are not cut off from the gods : for this reason they make amends on the prastara.
20. Here now they say, 'On the anointed ?-let them rather make amends on the unanointed ?!' They should indeed make amends on the unanointed (prastara), since anointed it is thrown into the fire.
21. They make amends 3 with, 'Desirable treasures (may come) forth for strength and wellbeing—the right for the right-saying'—whereby
1 Soma's throne stands south of the Ahavanîya fire, and in going to perform the apyayanam upon him, the priests and sacrificer have to move round the fire, along the east side of it towards the south (the region of the Fathers).
This seems to be Sâyana's interpretation of the passage akte nihnuvîrîn anaktãi.' The two words, with their final syllable protracted, being intended to strongly contradict the preceding 'akte.' It is hardly possible to take the latter absolutely, it being anointed (when thrown into the fire), let them make amends on it while unanointed.' On the throwing of the prastara into the fire, see I, 8, 3, 17. The prastara referred to is that of the guest-offering (âtithyeshti), which was broken off after the Idà ceremony (see III, 4, 1, 26) and has to be completed after the present ceremony. Neither the prastara nor the barhis is burnt on this occasion.
* In performing this propitiatory rite, the priests and sacrificer lay their hands on the prastara, either both of them with the palms upwards, or only the right one, and the left in the opposite way. Kâty. VIII, 2, 9. The latter mode is the one practised by the Taittiriyas. Sây. on Tait. S. 1, 2, II.
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