its right side and left; walkers follow one another, and those who stand observe a certain order :-such were the right rules of antiquity. If an apartment were made without the corner of honour and the steps on the east, there would be confusion in the hall and apartment. If mats had not their upper and lower ends, there would be confusion among the occupants of them; if carriages were made without their left side and right, there would be confusion in their seats ; if people did not follow one another in walking, there would be confusion on the roads ; if people observed no order in standing, there would be disorder in the places they occupy. Anciently the sage Tis and intelligent kings and the feudal lords, in making a distinction between noble and mean, old and young, remote and near, male and female, outside and inside, did not presume to allow any to transgress the regular rule they had to observe, but all proceeded in the path which has been indicated.'
16. When the three disciples had heard these words from the Master, they saw clearly as if a film had been removed from their eyes.
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