they fetch it hither and press it; and by means of the consecration and the Upasads, by the Tänanaptra and the strengthening they make it into Soma.' And in like manner does he now make it into Soma by means of the consecration and the Upasads, by the Tändnaptra and the strengthening.
14. 'It is bees' honey,' they say; for bees' honey means the sacrifice, and the bees that make the honey are no other than the officiating priests; and in like manner as the working-bees make the honey increase, so do they (the priests) thereby strengthen the sacrifice.
15. By means of the sacrifice the gods gained that supreme authority which they now wield. They spake, 'How can this world) of ours be made unattainable to men ?' Having sipped the sap of the sacrifice, as bees would suck out honey, and having drained the sacrifice and scattered it by means of the sacrificial post, they disappeared ; and because they scattered (yopaya) therewith, therefore it is called yūpa (post).
16. Now this was heard by the Rishis. They collected the sacrifice; and as that sacrifice was collected, so does he collect the sacrifice who is consecrated. The sacrifice is speech : hence he thereby again supplies what part of the sacrifice here has been sucked out and drained.
17. They strengthen (the Soma), being six ?;there are six seasons : having become the seasons, they strengthen it
18. They strengthen him with (Våg. S. V; 7), · Viz. the five priests — Brahman, Udgâtri, Hotri, Adhvaryu, and Agnidhra-and the sacrificer.
* That is, as the seasons make the Soma-plant grow.
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