THE LÎ xi.
eat vegetables or fruits. His wife observed the same rule. So it was in the case of rulers, Great officers, and other officers.
After the change of mourning, towards the end of the year, they ate vegetables and fruit; and after the subsequent sacrifice, they ate flesh.
30. They took their gruel in bowls, and did not wash their hands (before doing so). When they took their rice from the basket, they washed their hands. They ate their vegetables along with pickles and sauces. When they first ate flesh, it was dry flesh; when they first drank liquor, it was that newly made.
31. During the mourning of a year, on three occasions they abstained from eating. When eating coarse rice, with water to drink, they did not eat vegetables or fruits. After the burial, at the end of three months, they ate flesh and drank liquor. When the year's mourning was ended, they did not eat flesh nor drink liquor. When the father was alive, in the mourning of nine months, the rules were the same as in that for a year, on account of the mother or of the wife. Though they ate flesh and drank liquor, they could not take the enjoyment of these things in company with others?
32. During the mourning for five months, and that for three months, it was allowable to abstain from eating once or twice. Between the coffining and burial”, when eating flesh and drinking liquor,
The statements in this paragraph, and those in the next, might certainly be stated more distinctly.
* Such is the meaning of the text here, as fully defined by a Fang Pâo (F):- KE R T HEFU.
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