him) to attend the assembly, and he is the first to salute the kings, for he is gracious. This is why he says, 'Thou art gracious.' 'Go forth, O Lord of the world,' he says, because he (Soma) is the lord of beings. “To all dwellings,' all dwellings'doubtless means the limbs; with reference to his limbs he says this,'May no prowling enemies meet theel may no waylayers meet thee! May no malicious wolves meet thee!' this he says lest the evil spirits should meet him on his way.
15. 'Having become a falcon, fly away! he thereby makes him Ay forward after becoming a falcon; for the evil spirits fly not after what is fearful: now he, the falcon, forsooth is the most fearful, the strongest of birds, and as such a one he makes him (Soma) fly forwards when he says, Having become a falcon, fly away!'
16. Now they (can) only hit his body'Go to the sacrificer's dwelling,—that is the place prepared for us.' In this there is nothing obscure.
manîyam uktam bhavati; api sambhavanayam madhuparkam aha
rågñe kâkâryasvasurapitrivyamâtulânam keti' (Asv. Grihyas. I, 24) sambhavanfyânâm madhye râgñam prathamato nirdisena (1) sreshthyâvagamâd itarapūgyopalakshakatvenâpy asya rågana iti nirdesa iti mantavyam, râgña âgatân svayam prahva eva san pūrvas tebhyah prâg evåbhivadati vâgvyavahâram karoti. The Kanva text reads : For he is his gracious lord, therefore he heeds not even a king; and yet (?) he is the first to salute the kings: thus he is indeed gracious to him :'esha vâ etasya bhadro bhavati, tasmad esha na râgånam kanadriyate 'tho půrvo ragño'bhivadati tathâsyaisha eva bhadro bhavati(t).'
1 Or, they can only shoot after his body,' sariram evânvavahanti.' The Kanva text has 'athåsyedam sariram evânaså 'nvavahanti,' i.e. "Now they only bring his body with the cart.' The MS. of Sâyana also has 'anvavahanti,' but it explains it by 'syenibhâvâd upâdeyasya sârâmsasya badhâbhâvåd dhanta sariram evânugatya hanti nâtmậnam?
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