of the seasons and unto the years, the masters of holiness,
Be propitiation, with sacrifice, prayer, propitiation, and glorification.
Yatha ahû vairyô: The will of the Lord is the law of holiness....
We sacrifice unto Haurvatât, the Amesha-Spenta; we sacrifice unto the prosperity of the seasons; we sacrifice unto the years, the holy and masters of holiness?
1. Ahura Mazda spake unto Spitama Zarathustra, saying: 'I created for the faithful the help, the enjoyments, the comforts, and the pleasures of Hauryatât. We unite them with him who would come up to thee as one of the Amesha-Spentas, as he would come to any of the Amesha-Spentas, Vohu-Manô, Asha-Vahista, Khshathra-Vairya, Spenta-Armaiti, Haurvatât, and Ameretât.
2. 'He who against the thousands of thousands of those Daêvas, against their ten thousands of ten thousands, against their numberless myriads would invoke the name of Haurvatât, as one of the Amesha-Spentas, he would smite the Nasu, he would smite Hasi 3, he would smite Basi 3, he would smite Saêni 3, he would smite Bugis.
34. 'I proclaim the faithful man as the first [of men]; if I proclaim the faithful man as the first
i Sirôzah I, 6.
* Sîrôzah II, 6. Names of Daêvas. According to the Parsi translator of the Dînkart (vol. ii, p. 65), Hasi is 'he who makes sceptical;' Basi is 'he who gives rise to the barking disease;' Saêni is he who causes harm ;' Bûgi is 'he who preys upon.' • The translation of this paragraph is quite conjectural.
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