("He will smite the deadliest of all deaths, he will afflict the deadliest of all deaths;
""He will smite the most fiendish of all fiends, he will afflict the most fiendish of all fiends;
"" He will smite the most counter-working of all counter-works, he will afflict the most counterworking of all counter-works;
““He will smite the unholy Ashemaogha, he will afflict the unholy Ashemaogha ;
""He will smite the most oppressive of the oppressors of men, he will afflict the most oppressive of the oppressors of men.
15. ""He will smite the snakiest of the Snake's brood, he will afflict the snakiest of the Snake's brood;
"He will smite the most wolfish of the Wolf's brood, he will afflict the most wolfish of the Wolf's brood;
""He will smite the worst of the two-legged brood, he will afflict the worst of the two-legged brood;
"" He will smite Pride, he will afflict Pride; "" He will smite Scorn, he will afflict Scorn;
"" He will smite the hottest of hot fevers, he will afflict the hottest of hot fevers;
""He will smite the most slanderous of slanders, he will afflict the most slanderous of slanders;
""He will smite the most discordant of discords, he will afflict the most discordant of discords ;
"" He will smite the worst of the Evil Eye, he will. afflict the worst of the Evil Eye.
16. ““ He will smite the most lying words of falsehood, he will afflict the most lying words of falsehood;
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