the all-ruling, the all-beneficent, as a shield' against his enemies.
We worship the Law of the worshippers of Mazda; weworship the waters coming in the shape of a horse?, made by Mazda.
14-15. He has renounced trespasses and faults, O Zarathustra ! he has renounced all trespasses and faults 3, O Zarathustra! when he throws down the destroyer of Vohu-Manô and his words, with a hundred times hundredfold, with a many times manifold preaching and smiting, and he takes away the Law of Mazda, that was carried away as a prisonere, from the hands of the [ungodly], who are destroyed by his strength.
Ashem Vohd: Holiness is the best of all good ....
16. Yathâ aha vairyô: The will of the Lord is the law of holiness.....
I bless the sacrifice and the prayer, the strength and vigour
Of Ahura Mazda, bright and glorious, and of the Amesha-Spentas;
Of Vohu-Manô; of Peace, whose breath is friendly?....
1 Doubtful.
· See Yt. VIII, 5, 42; cf. § 20. s Âtare-vítaremaibyâ .... vîmraot; cf. âtarâish .... vi sarem mruyê (Yasna XII, 4 (XIII, 16]): âtareman seems to be a sin by commission, vîtareman a sin by omission.
*Doubtful (fraspâvares: fraspâ is generally translated ramitûntan).
6 Doubtful.
• Cf. Yt. XIII, 100; XIX, 86; fravasnãm is the reverse of uzvazhat (1. 1.).
? The rest as above, $ 1.
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