'A thousand remedies, ten thousand remedies 1! 'A thousand remedies, ten thousand remedies! 'A thousand remedies, ten thousand remedies! 27. [We worship] the well-shapen, tall-formed Strength; Verethraghna, made by Ahura; the crushing Ascendant, and Spenta-Ârmaiti.
28. And with the help of Spenta-Ârmaiti, break ye asunder their malice, turn their minds astray, bind their hands, make their knees quake against one another, bind their tongues".
'When, O Mazda! shall the faithful smite the wicked? When shall the faithful smite the Drug? When shall the faithful smite the wicked?'
29. Then Zarathustra said: 'I threw you back into the earth, and by the eyes of Spenta-Ârmaiti the ruffian was made powerless'.
30. 'We worship the powerful Gaokerena 1o, made by Mazda; the powerful Gaokerena, made by Mazda. 31. 'We worship the memory of Ahura Mazda, to keep the Holy Word.
'We worship the understanding of Ahura Mazda, to study the Holy Word.
We worship the tongue of Ahura Mazda, to speak forth the Holy Word.
2 See Sîrôzah I, 20.
mentioned in the preceding
Derezvan; see Yt. XI, 2.
I follow the reading zamerena, which is followed by the Pahlavi translation too. In the Yasna IX, 15 (46) Zarathustra is said to have obliged the Daêvas to hide themselves in the earth. Cf. Vend. IX, 12-13.
8 Cf. Yt. XIX, 94. 10 See Sîrôzah I, 7.
1 Yasna LXVIII, 15 (LXVII, 50). 9 Refers probably to the Izeds paragraph.
Of the foes alluded to § 24. • Cf. Yasna XLVIII [XLVII], 2.
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