rules for this world and for the next, that Sraosha may come with Vohu-Manô and help whomsoever thou pleasest 1."
21. ‘Hail to the Glory of the Kavis 2 ! Hail to the Airyanem Vaêgah 3! Hail to the Saoka 4, made by Mazda! Hail to the waters of the Dâitya ! Hail to Ardvi ®, the undefiled well! Hail to the whole world of the holy Spirit !
*Yatha a h à vairyô: The will of the Lord ....?
'Ashem Voha: Holiness is the best of all good ....8
22. "We worship the Ahuna Vairyao. We worship Asha-Vahista, most fair, undying, and beneficent 10. We worship Strength and Prosperity and Might and Victory and Glory and Vigourll. We worship Ahura Mazda, bright and glorious.
*Yêng hê hâtãm 12: All those beings 13 of whom Ahura Mazda knows the goodness 14 for a sacrifice
1 From Yasna XLIV, 16; cf. Vendîdad VIII, 20. 2 See Sîrôzah I, 9, p. 7, note 2. s Irân Vêg; see Vendîdâd, p. 3. • Saoka; see Sîrôzah 1, 3. * See Vendîdâd, p. 5, note 2.
• Ardvi Sûra Anâhita, the great goddess of the waters; see Yt. V. ? See above, p. 23.
8 See above, p. 22. • The prayer yathâ ahû vairyô, known as Ahuna vairy a (Honover), from the first words in it: ahû vairyô. See above, p. 23
10 Or 'the fairest Amesha-Spenta ;' cf. Vend. Introd. IV, 7.
11 Impersonated as gods, to obtain from them the benefits of which they are the impersonations.
12 A formula found at the end of most chapters of the Yasna and imitated from Yasna LI [L], 22.
13 The Amesha-Spentas (Pahl. Comm. ad Yasna XXVII, fin.).
14 The benefits of which they dispose, and which they impart as rewards to the righteous.
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