3. Ahura Mazda answered: Our Name, O Spitama Zarathustra! who are the Amesha-Spentas, that is the strongest part of the Holy Word; that is the most victorious; that is the most glorious ; that is the most effective;
4. “That is the most fiend-smiting; that is the besthealing; that destroyeth best the malice of Daêvas and Men; that maketh the material world best come to the fulfilment of its wishes; that freeth the material world best from the anxieties of the heart.'
5. Then Zarathustra said: 'Reveal unto me that name of thine, 0 Ahura Mazda! that is the greatest, the best, the fairest, the most effective, the most fiend-smiting, the best-healing, that destroyeth best the malice of Daêvas and Men;
6. “That I may afflict all Daêvas and Men; that I may afflict all Yâtus and Pairikasl; that neither Daêvas nor Men may be able to afflict me; neither Yâtus nor Pairikas.'
7. Ahura Mazda replied unto him: My name is the One of whom questions are asked?, O holy Zarathustra!
My second name is the Herd-giver 3. My third name is the Strong One 4
(Phl. tr.); vitarkânâm asti můshakatarâ (Sansk. tr.); w Luisa wyslyCine postin eis (Pers. tr.).
See Vendîdâd, Introd. IV, 20–21. * As the revealer of the law, which is generally expounded by a process of questions from Zarathustra and answers from Ahura. The revelation itself is called spentô frasna, the holy questions' (Vendidad XXII, 19).
3.That is, I give herds of men and cattle' (Phl. tr.).
4 Strong, that is, I have strength for the works of the law' (Phl. tr.); the Sanskrit translation has, powerful, that is, I have power to create.'
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