to that Glory that cannot be forcibly seized ', made by Mazda.
29. Mahraspand. To the holy, righteousness-performing Mãthra Spenta”; to the Law opposed to the Daêvas, the Law of Zarathustra; to the long-traditional teaching 3; to the good Law of the worshippers of Mazda ; to the Devotion to the Mãthra. Spenta; to the understanding that keeps 4 the Law of the worshippers of Mazda ; to the knowledge of the Mãthra Spenta; to the heavenly Wisdom made by Mazda ; to the Wisdom acquired through the ears and made by Mazda.
30. Anêrân. To the eternal and sovereign luminous space?; to the bright Garô-nmâna 8; to the sovereign place of eternal Wealo; to the Kinvat-bridge 10, made by Mazda; to the tall lord Apãm Napâti1 and to the water made by Mazda; to Haoma 12, of holy birth ; to the pious and good Blessing; to the awful cursing thought of the wise 3; to all the holy Gods of the
1 See p. 11, note 6.
2 The Holy Word. 3 Daregha upayana: the Genius of Teaching (sixâm adrisyarûpinîm; Yasna I, 12 [40]). • In memory.
5 See above, § 2. 6 Or boundless (anaghra; the Parsi a nêrân). ? Or Infinite Light; see Vend. Introd. p. lxxxii and Bund. I, 2. & The abode of Ahura Mazda; see Vend. XIX, 32.
See Vend. XIX, 36, note 1. 10 See Vend. XIX, 29, note 3. 11 See Sîrôzah II, 7, note. 12 See Vend. Introd. IV, 28.
18 “The blessing (âfriti) is twofold: one by thought, one by words; the blessing by words is the more powerful; the curse
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