4. Shahrêvar. To Khshathra-vairya; to the metals?; to Mercy and Charity.
5. Sapendârmad. To the good Spenta-Ârmaiti?, and to the good Râta 3, with eyes of love, made by Mazda and holy.
6. Khordâd. To Haurvatâtı, the master; to the prosperity of the seasons and to the years, the masters of holiness.
7. Murdâd. To Ameretât 5, the master; to fatness and flocks; to the plenty of corn; and to the powerful Gaokerena6, made by Mazda.
(At the gâh? Havan): to Mithra 8, the lord of wide pastures and to Râma Hvâstra”.
(At the gâh Rapithwin) : to Asha-Vahista and to Âtar 10, the son of Ahura Mazda 11.
eye, mînô î hukasmîh'(Vend. XIX, 36 [123]), the reverse of the evil eye (Yasna LXVII, 62 [LXVIII, 22]; cf. Études Iraniennes, II, 182).
1 Vend. Introd. IV, 33; Ormazd et Ahriman, $$ 202-206. 2 Ibid.
3 Vend. Introd. IV, 30. + See Yt. IV.
o See Vend. Introd. IV, 34. The white Hôm, or plant of immortality ; see Vend. Introd. IV, 28. 7 See Gâhs.
8 See Yt. X. , See Yt. XV. Cf. Yasna I, 3 (7-9), where Mithra and Râma are invoked in company with the genius of the Hâvani period of the day.
10 The Genius of Fire.
11 Cf. Yasna I, 4 (10-12), where Asha-Vahista and Âtar are invoked in company with the genius of the Rapithwin period of the day:
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