In India the Sîrôzah is recited in honour of the dead, on the thirtieth day after the death, on the thirtieth day of the sixth month, on the thirtieth day of the twelfth month, and then every year on the thirtieth day from the anniversary day (Anquetil, ZendAvesta, II, 315).
The correspondence between the formulas of the Sirôzah and the Yasts is as follows: 1. Ormazd.
Ormazd Yast (I, 1-23). 2. Bahman.
Bahman Yast (I, 24-33). 3. Ardibehest. Ardibehest Yast (III). 4. Shahrêvar. 5. Sapendârmad. 6. Khordad.
Khordâd Yast (IV). 7. Murdad. 8. Dai pa Adar.
10. Âbân.
âbân Yâst (V). 11. Khorshed. Khorshed Yast (VI). · 12. Mâh.
Mâh Yast (VII). 13. Tîr.
Tîr Yast (VIII). 14. Gôs.
Gôs Yast (IX). 15. Dai pa Mihir. 16. Mihir.
Mihir Yast (X). 17. Srôsh.
Srôsh Yast (XI). 18. Rashn.
Rashn Yast (XII). 19. Farvardin.
Farvardin Yast (XIII). 20. Bahram.
Bahrâm Yast (XIV). I. Râm.
Râm Yast (XV). 22. Bâd. 23. Dai pa Dîn. 24. Dîn.
Din Yast (XVI). 25. Ard.
Ashi Yast (XVII). 26. Âstâd.
Âstâd Yast (XVIII). 27. Asmân. 28. Zemyad.
Zemyâd Yast (XIX). 29. Mahraspand.
30. Anêrân. The Yasts that have been lost are, therefore, those of Khshathra-vairya, Spenta-Armaiti, Ameretât, Âtar, Vâta, Asman, MathraSpenta, and Anaghra raokau. The second Yast, or Yast of the seven Amshaspands, appears to have been no independent Yast : it was common to all the seven Yasts devoted to the several
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