Gâtakas !, and prodigies, besides hundreds of introductions and curious parables.
45. I show Nirvâna to the ignorant with low dispositions, who have followed no course of duty under many kotis of Buddhas, are bound to continued existence and wretched.
46. The self-born one uses such means to manifest Buddha-knowledge, but he shall never say to them, Ye also are to become Buddhas 2.
47. Why should not the mighty one, after having waited for the right time, speak, now that he perceives the right moment is come? This is the fit opportunity, met somehow, of commencing the exposition of what really is.
48. Now the word of my commandment, as contained in nine divisions 4, has been published according to the varying degree of strength of creatures. Such is the device I have shown in order to introduce (creatures) to the knowledge of the giver of boons.
49. And to those in the world who have always been pure, wise, good-minded, compassionate sons
1 Moralising tales and fables, so-called birth stories. Of the Pali version of those tales a part has been edited by Professor Fausböll and translated by Dr. Rhys Davids.
3 The reading is uncertain ; one MS. has yushme pi buddheka (!) bhavishyatheti; another yushmaipi buddhehi bhavishati (1).
8 Tâyin; here one might translate the word by "able, clever.'
• The nine divisions, according to the matter, of Scripture, are with the Southern Buddhists, Sutta, Geya, Veyyâkarana, Gâthâ, Udâna, Itivuttaka, Gâtaka, Abbhutadhamma, and Vedalla, to which answer in the Northern enumeration Satra, Geya, Vaiyâkarana, Gåtha, Udâna, Ityukta (or Itivrittika), Gâtaka, Adbhutadharma, and Vaipulya ; see Burnouf, Introduction, p. 51 sqq.
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