who do not hear their actually being called to the Buddha-vehicle by the Tathagata, who do not perceive, nor heed it, those, Sâriputra, should not be acknowledged as disciples of the Tathagata, nor as Arhats, nor as Pratyekabuddhas.
Again, Sâriputra, if there be some monk or nun pretending to Arhatship without an earnest vow to reach supreme, perfect enlightenment and saying, 'I am standing too high for the Buddha-vehicle, I am in my last appearance in the body before complete Nirvana,' then, Sâriputra, consider such a one to be conceited. For, Sariputra, it is unfit, it is improper that a monk, a faultless Arhat, should not believe in the law which he hears from the Tathagata in his presence. I leave out of question when the Tathagata shall have reached complete Nirvåna; for at that period, that time, Sâriputra, when the Tathâgata shall be wholly extinct, there shall be none who either knows by heart or preaches such Satras as this. It will be under other Tathagatas, &c., that they are to be freed from doubts. In respect to these things believe my words, Sâriputra, value them, take them to heart; for there is no falsehood in the Tathâgatas, Sâriputra. There is but one vehicle, Sâriputra, and that the Buddha-vehicle.
And on that occasion to set forth this matter more copiously the Lord uttered the following stanzas :
According to the reading utsanna; another MS. has ukkhinna, the reading followed by Burnouf, for he renders it by 'exclu.' The form ukkhinna could the more easily creep in, because instead of utsanna we often find ukkhanna, which, in fact, I believe to be the true form, for the word may be derived from sad, akin to Latin cedo, Greek kékao mar; the usual spelling, however, is ut
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