asterism of the Venerable Ascetic Mahâvîra. (129) From the moment in which the great Graha, &c., entered the natal asterism of the Venerable Ascetic Mahavira, there will not be paid much respect and honour to the Sramanas, the Nirgrantha monks and nuns. (130) But when the great Graha, &c., leaves that natal asterism, there will be paid much respect and honour to the Sramanas, the Nirgrantha monks and nuns. (131)
In that night in which the Venerable Ascetic Mahâvira died, &c. (all down to freed from all pains, the animalcule called Anuddhari was originated: which when at rest and not moving, is not easily seen by Nirgrantha monks and nuns who have not yet reached the state of perfection, but which when moving and not at rest, is easily seen by Nirgrantha monks and nuns who have not yet reached the state of perfection. (132) On seeing this (animalcule) many Nirgrantha monks and nuns must refuse to accept the offered alms.
'Master, why has this been said ?' 'After this time the observance of control will be difficult.' (133)
In that period, in that age the Venerable Ascetic Mahåvira had an excellent community of fourteen thousand Sramanas with Indrabhūti at their head; (134) thirty-six thousand nuns with Kandand at their head; (135) one hundred and fifty-nine thousand lay votaries with Sankhasataka at their head; (136) three hundred and eighteen
The original has : ukkosiyâ samanasampayâ; ukkosiya is translated utkrishta; in the sequel I abridge the similar passages which are all constructed on the same model as $134. It is to be noticed that these numbers though exaggerated are nevertheless rather moderate. Compare the note to the List of the Sthaviras, $ 1.
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