service belonging to the animal world, rained down on the palace of king Siddhartha one great shower of silver, gold, diamonds, clothes, ornaments, leaves, flowers, fruits, seeds, garlands, perfumes, sandal, powder, and riches. (98)
After the Bhavanapati, Vyantara, Gyotishka, and Vaimânika gods had celebrated the feast of the inauguration of the Tirthakara's birthday, the Kshatriya Siddhartha called, at the break of the morning, together the town policemen and addressed them thus : (99)
O beloved of the gods, quickly set free all prisoners in the town of Kundapura, increase measures and weights, give order that the whole town of Kundapura with its suburbs be sprinkled with water, swept, and smeared (with cowdung, &c.) that in triangular places, in places where three or four roads meet, in courtyards, in squares, and in thoroughfares, the middle of the road and the path along the shops be sprinkled, cleaned, and swept ; that platforms be erected one above the other; that the town be decorated with variously coloured flags and banners, and adorned with painted pavilions ? ; that the walls bear impressions in Gosirsha, fresh red sandal, and Dardara 3 of the hand with outstretched fingers; that luck-foreboding vases be put on the floor, and pots of the same kind be disposed round every door and arch; that big, round, and long garlands, wreaths, and festoons be hung low
· Cf. â kârânga Sætra II, 15, $ 8.
2 According to the commentary this may also be translated : smeared (with cowdung) and whitewashed.
Dardara is sandal brought from Dardara. All who have travelled in India will have noticed on walls the impressions of the hand mentioned in the text.
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