for a second time he transformed himself through his magical power of transformation, and produced the definitive form (which gods adopt on entering the world of men); having done so, he passed with that excellent, hasty, trembling, active, impetuous, victorious, exalted, and quick divine motion of the gods right through numberless continents and oceans, and arrived in Gambadvipa, in Bharatavarsha, in the brahmanical part of the town Kundagrâma, at the house of the Brâhmana Risha. bhadatta, where the Brâhmant Devânandâ dwelt. Having arrived there, he made his bow in the sight of the Venerable Ascetic Mahâvira, and cast the Brâhmani Devânanda, together with her retinue, into a deep sleep; then he took off all unclean particles, and brought forth the clean particles, and saying, "May the Venerable One permit me,' he took the Venerable Ascetic Mahavira in the folded palms of his hands without hurting him. Thus he went to the Kshatriya part of the town Kundagrâma, to the house of the Kshatriya Siddhartha, where the Kshatriyâni Trisalâ dwelt; he cast her and her attendants into a deep sleep, took off all unclean particles, and brought forth the clean particles, and placed the embryo of the Venerable Ascetic Mahâvira in the womb of the Kshatriyânt Trisala, and the embryo of the Kshatriyânt Trisala he placed in the womb of the Brâhmani Devânandâ of the Gålandharayana gotra. Having done so, he returned in that direction in which he had come". (28) With that excellent, &c. (see § 28), divine motion
1 The contents of SS 14-28 are contained in Akârânga Satra II, 15, $ 4.
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