management, guidance, direction, and sovereign power and generalship over the thirty-two thousand gods of the celestial abodes, the eighty-four thousand gods of a rank equal with that of himself, the thirty-two chief gods, the four guardians of the world, the eight principal queens with their trains, the three courts, the seven armies, and the seven commanders of these armies. He was then enjoying the permitted pleasures of divine nature under the great din of uninterrupted story-telling, dramatical plays, singing, and music, as beating of time, performance on the Vinâ, the Turya, the great drum, and the Patupataha. (14)
And he viewed this whole continent Gambadvipa with his extensive (knowledge called) Avadhi. There he saw in the continent Gambadvipa, in Bhâratavarsha, in the southern half of Bharata, in the brahmanical part of the town Kundagrâma, the Venerable Ascetic Mahavira taking the form of an embryo in the womb of the Brâhmani Devânandâ of the Galandharâ yana gotra, wife of the Brâhmana Rishabhadatta of the gotra of Kodala ; and-glad, pleased, and joyful in his mind, delighted, extremely enraptured, with a heart widening under the influence of happiness, with the hair of his body bristling and erect in their pores like the fragrant flowers of Nipa when touched by rain-drops, with his eyes and mouth open like fullblown lotuses, with his excellent, various?, trembling bracelets, with diadem and earrings, his breast lighted up by necklaces, wearing long and swinging ornaments with a pearl pendant—the chief of the gods rose
Kadaga, tudiya, kellra. Kataka is the well-known kankana, trurika is explained by bâburakshikâ, keyûra by angada. The last two are bracelets worn on the upper arm.
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