nor covetous of, nor disturbed by the agreeable or disagreeable sounds. The Kevalin says: If a Nirgrantha is thus affected by the pleasant or unpleasant sounds, he might fall, &c. (see above, IV, I).
If it is impossible not to hear sounds, which reach the ear, the mendicant should avoid love or hate, originated by them.
A creature with ears hears agreeable and disagreeable sounds.
This is the first clause. (1) Now follows the second clause :
If a creature with eyes sees agreeable and disagreeable forms (or colours), it should not be attached, &c., to them.
The Kevalin says, &c. (the rest as in the last clause. Substitute only see and forms for hear and sounds).
This is the second clause. (2) Now follows the third clause :
If a creature with an organ of smell smells agreeable or disagreeable smells, it should not be attached to them. (The rest as above. Substitute smell and nose.)
This is the third clause. (3) Now follows the fourth clause :
If a creature with a tongue tastes agreeable or disagreeable tastes, it should not be attached, &c., to them. (The rest as above. Substitute taste and tongue.)
This is the fourth clause. (4) Now follows the fifth clause :
If a creature with an organ of feeling feels agreeable or disagreeable touches, it should not be
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