guarding his mind, he should always avoid sin. He should maintain this sagedom. Thus I say. (5)
Fifth LESSON. Thus I say: a lake is full of water, it is in an even plain, it is free from dust, it harbours (many fish)”. Look! he (the teacher) stands in the stream (of knowledge) and is guarded in all directions. Look! there are great Seers in the world, wise, awakened, free from acts. Perceive the truth : from a desire of (a pious) end they chose a religious life. Thus I say. (1)
He whose mind is always wavering, does not reach abstract contemplation. Some, bound (by worldly ties), are followers (i. e. understand the truth); some who are not bound, are followers. How should he not despond who amongst followers is a non-follower? ‘But that is truth beyond doubt, what has been declared by the Ginas.' (2)
Whatever a faithful, well-disposed man, on entering the order, thought to be true, that may afterwards appear to him true; what he thought to be true, that may afterwards appear to him untrue; what he thought to be untrue, that may afterwards appear to him true; what he thought to be untrue, that may afterwards appear to him true. What he thinks to be true, that may, on consideration, appear to him true, whether it be true or untrue. What he thinks to be untrue, that may, on consideration, appear to him untrue, whether it be true or untrue. But he
1 Like unto it is a teacher who is full of wisdom, who lives in a quiet country, is free from passion, and protects living beings.
. Samadhi, the means of a religious death. * Any article of the Gaina faith.
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