BOOK 1, LECTURE 4, LESSON 2. 37 What has been said here, has been seen (by the omniscient ones), heard (by the believers), acknowledged (by the faithful), and thoroughly understood by them. Those who acquiesce and indulge (in worldly pleasures), are born again and again. Day and night exerting thyself, steadfast,' always having ready wisdom, perceive that the careless (stand) outside (of salvation); if careful, thou wilt always conquer. Thus I say. (3)
SECOND LESSON... There are as many asravasl as there are parisravas, and there are as many parisravas as there are ásravas. There are as many anâsravas as there are aparisravas, and there are as many aparisravas as there are anasravas. He who well understands these words and regards the world according to the instruction (and understands), that which has been distinctly declared, that 'wise man proclaims (the truth) here to men,' who still belong to the samsara, who are awakened, and have reached discrimination. (1)
Those also who are afflicted and careless' (will be instructed). I say this as a truth. There is nothing secure from the mouth of death. Those who are led by their desires, who are the tabernacle of fraud, 'who seized by Time dwell in the heap (of karman),' are born again and again. [Many who are again and again (immersed) in delusion, (will
1 Asrava is that by means of which karman takes effect upon the soul, parisrava that (nirgara, &c.) by which the influence of karman is counteracted. Anâsrava is that by which asrava is avoided (religious vows), and aparisrava that by which karman is acquired.
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