to death, to hell, to birth as hell-beings or brute beasts. The fool never knows the law. (3)
Thus spake the hero 1: 'Be careful against this great delusion; the clever one should have done with carelessness by considering death in tranquillity, and that, the nature of which is decay (viz. the body); these (pleasures), look! will not satisfy (thee). Therefore have done with them! Sage, look! this is the great danger, it should overcome none whomsoever. He is called a hero who is not vexed by (the hardships caused) by control. He should not be angry because the (householder) gives him little. If turned off, he should go. Thou shouldst conform to the conduct of the sages.' Thus I say. (4)
FIFTH LESSON. That for this (viz. pleasure) the wants of the world should be supplied by bad injurious doings : for one's own sons, daughters, daughters-in-law, kinsmen, nurses, kings, male and female slaves, male and female servants, for the sake of hospitality, of supper and breakfast, the accumulation of wealth is effected. (1)
(This is) here for the enjoyment of some men. (But a wise man) exerting himself, houseless, noble, of noble intellect, of noble perception recognises the proper moment (for all actions). He should not accept, nor cause others to accept, or permit them
1 The MSS. have udâhu dhire. The last word is a frequent mistake for vire, which is adopted by the commentators. They explain udahu by ud-âha=uktavan.
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