men of good family, and ye, young men of good family, follow my example; imitate me in liberally showing this knowledge of the Tathagata, and in skilfulness, and preach this Dharmaparyâya to the young men and young ladies of good family who successively shall gather round you. And as to unbelieving persons, rouse them to accept this law. By so doing, young nien of good family, you will acquit your debt to the Tathâgatas.
So addressed by the Lord Sâkyamuni, the Tathagata, &c., the Bodhisattvas filled with delight and joy, and with a feeling of great respect they lowered, bent, and bowed their body towards the Lord, and, the head inclined and the joined hands stretched out, they spoke in one voice to the Lord Sâkyamuni, the Tathagata, &c., the following words: We shall do, O Lord, what the Tathagata commands; we shall fulfil the command of all Tathagatas. Let the Lord be at ease as to this, and perfectly quiet. A second time, a third time the entire host of Bodhisattvas spoke in one voice the same words: Let the Lord be at ease as to this, and perfectly quiet. We shall do, O Lord, what the Tathâgata commands us; we shall fulfil the command of all Tathagatas.
Thereupon the Lord Sâkyamuni, the Tathagata, &c., dismissed all those Tathagatas, &c., who had come to the gathering from other worlds, and wished them a happy existence, with the words: May the Tathâgatas, &c., live happy. Then he restored the Stúpa of precious substances of the Lord Prabhūtaratna, the Tathâgata, &c., to its place, and wished him also a happy existence.
Thus spoke the Lord. The incalculable, innumerable Tathagatas, &c., who had come from other
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