seeing of a Tathagata is something rare. Such a king of the law is rarely met with ; such a favourable occasion' is rarely met with.
Now at that juncture, young men of good family, the eighty-four thousand women of the harem of the king Subhavyuha became worthy of being receptacles of this Dharmaparyaya of the Lotus of the True Law. The young prince Vimalanetra exercised himself in this Dharmaparyâya, whereas the young prince Vimalagarbha for many hundred thousand myriads of kotis of Æons practised the meditation Sarvasattvapapagahana ?, with the object that all beings should abandon all evils. And the mother of the two young princes, the queen Vimaladattâ, acknowledged the harmony between all Buddhas and all topics treated by them 3. Then, young men of good family, the king Subhavyha, having been converted to the law of the Tathâgata by the instrumentality of the two young princes, having been initiated and brought to full maturity in it, along with all his relations and retinue; the queen Vimaladatta with the whole crowd of women in her suite, and the two young princes, the sons of the king Subhavydha, accompanied by forty-two thousand living beings, along with the women of the harem and the ministers, went all together and unanimously to the Lord Galadharagargitaghoshasusvaranakshatrarågasankusumitâbhigña, the Tathagatha, &c. On arriving at the place where the Lord was, they humbly saluted his
i Idrisi kshanasampad. * I.e. means whereby (all) evils are abandoned by all creatures.
3 Sarvabuddhasthânâni; in the margin added the word for 'secret.'
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