the Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Sarvasattvapriyadarsana passed twelve years in always and constantly eating those fragrant substances and drinking oil of Kampaka. After the expiration of those twelve years the Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Sarvasattvapriyadarsana wrapped his body in divine garments, bathed it in oil, made his (last) vow, and thereafter burnt his own body with the object to pay worship to the Tathagata and this Dharmaparyâya of the Lotus of the True Law. Then, Nakshatrarâgasankusumitâ. bhigña, eighty worlds equal to the sands of the river Ganges were brightened by the glare of the flames from the blazing body of the Bodhisattva Mahasattva Sarvasattvapriyadarsana, and the eighty: Lords Buddhas* equal to the sands of the Ganges in those worlds all shouted their applause, (and exclaimed): Well done, well done, young man of good family, that is the real heroism which the Boddhisattvas Mahâsattvas should develop; that is the real worship of the Tathagata, the real worship of the law. No worshipping with flowers, incense, fragrant wreaths, ointment, powder, cloth, umbrellas, flags, banners; no worshipping with material gifts or with Uragasara sandal equals it. This, young man of good family,
the noble bird collects the sweetest herbs, blossoms, and perfumes; similarly verse 652. He feeds upon mildew, verse 260.
The Phoenix bathes twelve times in the well before the sun's arrival, and as many times sips the cool water.
? According to the reading of the Camb. MS., asîtir Gangao; Burnouf has 'sables de 8 Ganges,' which seems preferable.
* Here the same remark as in the preceding note.
* In the Old English poem, verse 355 seq., we read that hosts of birds flock together from all points of space to celebrate in song the hero and saint.' Further on, verse 590, the birds are identified with the released souls accompanying Christ.
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