proclaims, writes this Dharmaparyaya shall have an organ of taste possessed of twelve hundred good faculties of the tongue. All flavours he takes on his tongue will yield a divine, exquisite relish. And he tastes in such a way that he is not to relish anything unpleasant; and even the unpleasant flavours that are taken on his tongue will yield: a divine relish. And whatever he shall preach in the assembly, the creatures will be satisfied by it; they will be content, thoroughly content, filled with delight. A sweet, tender, agreeable, deep voice goes out from him, an amiable voice which goes to the heart, at which those creatures will be ravished and charmed; and those to whom he preaches, after having heard his sweet voice, so tender and melodious, will, even if they are) gods, be of opinion that they ought to go and see, venerate, and serve him. And the angels and houris will be of opinion, &c. The Indras, Brahmas, and Brahmakâyikas will be of opinion, &c. The Nâgas and Naga girls will be of opinion, &c. The demons and their girls will be of opinion, &c. The Garudas and their girls will be of opinion, &c. The Kinnaras and their girls, the great serpents and their girls, the goblins and their girls, the imps and their girls will be of opinion that they ought to go and see, venerate, serve him, and hear his sermon, and all will show him honour, respect, esteem, worship, reverence, and veneration. Monks and nuns, male and female lay devotees will likewise be desirous of seeing him. Kings, royal princes, and grandees (or ministers) will also be
· Mokshyante, properly, will emit.' ? In the margin added sravanâya,'to hear.'
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